Saturday, November 20, 2010

Beer and peppers

My husband has been asking me to paint some peppers.  So I did this one for him.  I thought a cold beer would be just the thing to go with them.

It's getting close to Thanksgiving!  I'll be doing the cooking this year, so like most everyone, I won't be having much time to paint.  I'm working on a painting right now, so maybe I'll get that finished before I have to fire up the oven!

oil on canvas


  1. Pour éteindre le feu... oui une petite bière !
    J'aime les couleurs employées pour vos piments...
    Je serais heureuse de mettre la main à la pâte pour vous aider à cuisiner, j'aime trop ça!
    Bises et à bientôt

  2. Thanks, Kevin.
    Martine-Alison, yes the beer would extinguish the fire! And I would love to have you help with the cooking!

  3. bonjour Virginia, j'ai perdu mon blog et je viens d'en créer un autre "weekend et coup de brosse" venez me rejoindre pour à nouveau partager quelques mots, je vous attends comme nouveau membre de mon nouveau blog- merci à bientôt- cath

  4. Love those peppers Virginia! And good luck with all your cooking. :) Let me know if you've got a great recipe you want to share.

  5. Lovely job Virginia! My husband has requested a pepper painting also. He grows his own and we've had quite the harvest. I plan on using them in our jalapeno cornbread dressing. I know what you mean about firing up the oven. I'm trying to figure out if I need to take a little holiday break from painting. Maybe if I'm super organized I can fit it all in:) Have a wonderful Thanksgiving, my friend:)

  6. Thanks Crystal! And Carrie, jalapeno cornbread dressing sound yummy, but I don't think the grandkids would eat it. I will definitely be taking a break from painting this week. Happy Thanksgiving everyone!

  7. Beer and peppers is a great combination gastronomically and in a painting! Well done.
    PS Thanks for visiting, the studio tour managed to avoid the snow. It's snowing like mad today!

  8. Red and yellow in one painting! The peppers look really nice with great reflections and colors. I especially like the front two. Maybe because of the way the light hits them. The bottle looks good too. Have fun cooking, and Happy Thanksgiving!

  9. Virginia,80 degrees! It's -6 celsius here! But it is beautiful and sunny, even though it's very cold. I hope you have a wonderful Thanksgiving and thanks for being such a great blogging buddy, I really appreciate all of your good wishes. Cheers!

  10. Very nice and great reflections. Beer and peppers sound right together. Happy Thanksgivnig.

  11. I hope you know that I mentioned red and yellow in one painting because we've discussed the difficulties of both colors. You weren't worried about using both colors in one painting, and I think they look beautiful. No mud in this yellow at all.

  12. Caladh, I knew exactly what you were talking about! I just have been busy today and not on the computer. Thank you!

  13. Your husband got the peppers, hope you got the beer! Great job Virginia!!

  14. Virginia, Your still life paintings are a little Georgia O'Keefe like. I admire your spare simple style, very elegant!
