Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Work in Progress -- Poppies in Vase

This is a work in progress from my painting class last week.   This is the underpainting.  I blocked in the colors and will work on adding detail this week.  I hope I don't overwork it.  I always start out  thinking big strokes, keep it loose.  But my own personality kicks in and I overwork the details.  

I am in love with cadmium orange light!   I haven't used it before.  I always use a limited palette, because that's what my instructors told me when I first started painting.  

And they wouldn't let me use black, either. I sometimes cheat a little by using black, though.  Not in this painting.  But a couple of paintings with lots of dark background just needed black. 

12 inch by 16 inch oil on stretched canvas 


  1. Beautiful colors, and I like the shadows. Maybe you could come up with a chant for not overworking. ;-) But your paintings look nice. Maybe you just like detail.
    And it's good to experiment with the colors.

  2. Really pretty composition and enjoyed seeing your process. I have not tried cad orange light...looks beautiful here. Have fun finishing it and keep it loose:)

  3. I like this painting just the way it is, Virginia! It has a lovely gesture, great placement of your reds against greens. If you do paint on it again, don't do too much!!!

  4. Good luck on this painting! You are off with a strong start!

    I like to use black sometimes also, the fun thing I have recently discovered is if you thin ivory black with lots of white it turns very blue and can sometimes be just the color you are looking for...

  5. Votre travail en cours est déjà extraordinaire. Une lumière généreuse enveloppe votre sujet. J'aime particulièrement vos tons orangés... Votre fond contraste à la perfection.
    J'ai hâte de voir la suite...
    Gros bisous

  6. Those big shapes are beautiful. I always try to listen to that little voice that tells me, "stop, stop already" rather than the little other voice that says, "one more dab will make it better."

  7. I love this one, Mom! It is even prettier in person!

  8. Lovely color Virginia. The warms and cools are beautiful.

  9. Don't know what else you are planning for this painting, but it is already lovely with such vibrant colors and pretty vase. I like the simplicity. I am sure the next stage will be even more wonderful.

  10. very luminous colors, Virginia,a warm painting!

  11. Virginia, if I were you, I'd do a little more 'modeling' on the vase, to show that it's 3-D.. but, I'd leave the flowers Alone ! I think they are perfect.... and not over worked... (I'm the expert on over-working !) ha ha !

  12. Too late!! I went to class today and overworked the flowers. I wiped off a couple at the end and I'll try again tomorrow.

    Thanks everyone for your encouraging comments!

  13. Comme Martine le dit votre fond contraste très bien avec les orangés, j'aime beaucoup c'est très lumineux, superbe composition !
