Monday, October 4, 2010

Comfort apples

Painting a portrait put me out of my comfort level.  So today I went back to apples!  I love the shapes and smells and colors of them.  Painting this little study put me in a good mood.

7" X 9" oil on canvas panel


  1. Nice title. The apples look good. Do you use a spotlight and box?

  2. Yes, my daughter made a box for me out of foam board. It's not too pretty, but It works.

  3. yes perfect comfort....your brush strokes are brilliant.....

  4. Anu, thank you. I bought some new brushes for my last workshop. The instructor recommended a filbert brush. I had been using brights. The filbert brushes give me softer strokes, and I like the effect.

  5. Love the strong design in this one, Virginia!
