Saturday, September 18, 2010

Saturday Lemons

I've been working on a larger painting, so I wanted to do a small study today. This is a totally different style than the pear. Much more informal. I actually like this better than the pear.

I don't have an expensive camara, plus it's a cloudy day, so I don't think the colors are true. I think the colors in the painting are richer.

7" X 9" oil on canvas panel.

(Click on painting to view larger.)


  1. lovely composition! the shadows look so real!

  2. Thank you. I enjoyed trying to make a two-colored shadow--half on the white and half on the gray.

  3. Wow,Mom, I can tell you are really improving! These are so nice!

  4. Elizabeth, when do you sleep? LOL! Thanks for visiting.

  5. Gosh, Virginia I really like the outlines here. They add a nice graphic quality.

  6. Thanks Diane ! I'm all over the place as I learn. Just trying different things. Glad you like it.

  7. Hi Virginia, I like your strong composition in this you broke the edges... the lemon on the right, the cutting board..creates interesting negative shapes. The left lemon nearly toughing the left edge creates a tension and its pointy end directs the eye back into the painting! This study is a wonderful example, too, of having one corner different.

  8. Jennifer, thank you so much for visiting and commenting! I'm an admirer of yours for several years now, and I really appreciate your taking the time to evaluate and post on my painting.
