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Reclining reader
Last weekend I attended a two day workshop taught by Susan Carlin here in San Antonio. Her website is here: http://susancarlin.com/ The subject was painting the human figure. NOT portrait painting. Susan taught and did a demo the first morning and then we painted from a reference photo in the afternoon.
I didn't manage to finish the first painting. Susan urged us to finish at home, but I didn't get to paint this week, and the painting isn't calling me. I think it's more fun to start something new than to go back and work on an unfinished one. I don't think I'm the only one who has unfinished paintings lying around!
The second day we painted from a live model while Susan gave lots of helpful individual feedback. I painted the legs in the morning, and after we came back from lunch I had trouble getting the same colors for the arms and face.
We had a great time and Susan is a great teacher!